The first part entitled The Bro Code dedicated for the upcoming NPH as host of 2015 Oscar on my favorite number and one of my favorite month at once! Yes, The Oscar will be held on February 22. Can't wait to see it! Anyway, take a look at the past when we still saw NPH on regular basis which was in HIMYM. Taken from BuzzFeed, this was about that great time when Barney Stinson made some rules!
The second part entitled The Sis Code dedicated for this month when my sister stayed in Jakarta. She will be back to Surabaya tomorrow, so then I thought to write the code we actually use here in our daily life as sister.
Well, let's start with Barney's part first!
The Chain of Screaming Theory (S03E15)

Overview: The Chain of Screaming (also known as The Circle of Screaming or The Pyramid of Screaming), states that once screamed at by a higher authority, one must scream at an inferior.
Barney’s Theoretical Application: Marshall’s boss is Artillery Arthur. Arthur’s boss’s boss screams at Arthur’s boss. Arthur’s boss screams at Arthur. Arthur screams at Marshall. Marshall screams at Lily. Lily screams at a student who then screams at her father who turns out to be Arthur’s boss’ boss.
Barney's Prescription: When your boss screams at you, you never scream back. Find an inferior to scream at.
The Mermaid Theory (S06E11)
Overview: Every woman, no matter how initially repugnant, has a mermaid clock— the time it takes for a man to realize he wants to sleep with her. This is due to a woman’s hotness being in direct proportion to the time exposed to her.
Theoretical Origin: Long ago, sailors stuck at sea would get so desperate for female companionship that they started to picture the manatees as foxy fish babes, or mermaids.
The Platinum Rule (S03E11)

The stages include: Attraction, Bargaining, Submission, Perks, Tipping Point, Purgatory, Confrontation, Fall Out and Co-existence (added by Ted)
But apparently, there is the rule above all that rule. A rule to conquer all Barney's rule. It was just a shame that this rule didn't come from Barney. This was from Ted.
S09E21: Gary Blauman
The Dress-Borrowing Rule
Overview: A sis can borrow her sis dress with an agreement, given at least 1x24 hours before and that sis will be responsible for returning after cleaning it first.
Implementation: 60%
Author's Note: Please clean up my dress every time it is used.
The Birthday Gift Theory
Overview: A sis can give her sis more than one birthday gift at her birthday, but it depends on sincerity
Implementation: no need of obligation, this is just a theory which all based on sincerity
Author's Note: Thank you sis ♥
The Internet-Happens-After-1 AM
Overview: A sis can use her sis internet tethering only from 1am - 6am (5 hours). It can be used as long as the bonus quota still exists. That sis is fully responsible for charging the phone because tethering surely consumes a large power of battery. That sis must return the phone at the early morning, on the next day.
Implementation: 100%
Author's Note: What a real commitment! Now I know, I can trust and share that bonus quota happily every time it is needed.
Afterall, life is full of rules, but sometimes, we can just live by some rules, while we also needed to be free from another rule. Choose your own rule, make sure it guides you to be a better person.
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