Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Playbook

Kids, remember when i always told a story in the previous post of this blog. Okay, tonight i'm just too tired to write another short story. Remember when other time, i wrote a blog post and made a quiz, I might have that before. But now, I'm going to make the combination of those both. So basically i will tell a story from a film, with a little deception in here and there and off course, you would required to guess its title. As i had said, be careful because few false facts had been added into the story to make it more difficult. Now here we go, let's play!


a little ways down the road..
faraway lived a group of student who made that group just as simply to study together for their high school exam. The group consist of 5 people, 3 of them are men. The man main character was the hopeless romantic type-of-person. He believed in destiny and had a quest to find the right girl, and marrying her and lived happily ever after. Meanwhile the woman main character was his complete opposite. She was a very skeptical girl along with high ego and pride. She loved Newscast and wanted to be a News Anchor one day. The woman supporting character was having a serious relationship with the man supporting character. The woman main character was the love interest of the man main character, okay now that i started to get confuse of explaining all these, let's just fake-named all the character.

a little ways down the road..
faraway lived a group of student consist of 5 people, 3 men are Foster, Kevin and Bobby, 2 women are Rachel and Donna. Rachel was in a serious relationship with Kevin. Meanwhile Foster, Bobby and Donna were single. However, Donna did has hidden feeling to Bobby but she always held it back. She thought that it wasn't going to work between them. Suddenly, Foster asked Donna to be his girlfriend in a way that she never had expected, at the top of World Wide News Building. Donna was a little bit confused but said yes at that time. It is later known that they would separate after 3 years.


Have you had any idea how you can handle this quiz? Could you guess what is the title of the film that match with that story? Anyway about the title, have you know about The Playbook? The Playbook was a book actually, belong to the man supporting character which contain a lot of tricks, manipulation, steps to achieve his purpose. Look it happened to be another clue! Okay i give another clue, but this is the last.

Alright, giving that clue was the same as i told the answer, so i'm just gonna tell the film title straight away. It is ....

True Story!

Yap i know it's too late, the finale is out there everywhere. And I've just got this series from a friend and watched it in my laptop, but it is a very great TV show! It's going to be legend.. wait-for-it-I'm-still-watching-season-8-The-Final-Page

Robin Scherbatsky: Seriously, Barney? Even you, even someone as CERTIFIABLY INSANE as you must realize that this is too far! You lied to me, manipulated me for weeks - do you really think I could ever kiss you after that? Do you really think I could ever trust you after that?
[refers to The Playbook page]
Robin Scherbatsky: This, this is proof of why we don't work, why we'll never work, so thank you. You've set me free because how could I be with a man who thinks that this trick, this enormous lie could ever make me want to date him again?
Barney Stinson: Turn it over.
[Robin flips page to read "Step 16: Hope she says yes." Barney presents ring]
Barney Stinson: Robin Scherbatsky, will you marry me?