Saturday, May 19, 2018


Hi guys, glad that i can write another thread by using English again. So this is actually an article which i want to post for a very long time back then. But i don't have such time with my moving to other company, so it's been lil' hectic with office, community and other stuff as hell.

Anyhow, i found this music trivia on Twitter and i tried to answer every song featured everyday for a month, and i could do that! Let's see the freakin' questions and my answers for all that. Oh ya, if you wanna join me listening to those, you can click the song title (in blue text). So check this out!

DAY1 A song you like with a color in its title: Golden - Travie McCoy ft. Sia.

DAY2 A song you like with a number in its title: 22 - Taylor Swift.

DAY3 A song that reminds you of summertime: Summer - Calvin Harris.

DAY4 A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget: Can I Have This Dance? - Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens. Wanna know why? High school was one of the first and the best part, when we didn't have to think about the future and focusing on the love we had (at that present) and just enjoyed it.

DAY5 A song that needs to be played loud: Pillowtalk - ZAYN. Cause its incredible beat can never be reached by low volume.

DAY6 A song that makes you want to dance: Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell & TI. And it's still on my karaoke top playlist (that later being sung meanwhile dancing and standing on the sofa 😂).

DAY7 A song to drive to: Hold On, We're Going Home - Drake ft. Majid Jordan

DAY8 A song about drugs and alcohol: Everyone Nose (All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom) - N.E.R.D. So that you can understand, it's actually a song about how girls are getting drunk (by drugs) in the bathroom. Despite the negative message of the song (do not try any of this, seriously), it has an awesome beat!

DAY9 A song that makes you happy: Say - Ryan Cabrera. The song is about a person who will get out of the town immediately and notice that someone has a crush on him, so he asks her to just admit it, cause he already knew. This song makes me remember those person who ever had a crush on me and how i notice their nervous, cute behavior to me 😂.

DAY10 A song that makes you sad: We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez.
Yeah, those hard times..

DAY11 A song you never get tired of: Starboy - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk, and i still love this song up till this very moment, even though i hear it repeatedly every single day!

DAY12 A song from your preteen year: I'm With You - Avril Lavigne. I used to hear this song using earphone on my way home from junior high school.

DAY13 A song you like from the 70's: Let's Groove - Earth, Wind & Fire. Yes, in my defense, it's a song from very late 70's and also, it's unbelievably still on my current favorite playlist.

DAY14 A song you'd love to be played at your wedding: Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxes and yes my dream wedding including DJ and not a band seriously.

DAY15 A song you like that's a cover from another artist: Right Round - Flo Rida ft. Ke$ha (2012) which is a cover from You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive (1984) I actually don't really like a cover song, cause it's tend to be more acoustic (and i don't like acoustic cause it's slow and makes me sleepy), but this song isn't.

DAY16 A song that's a classic favorite: Strawberry Bubblegum - Justin Timberlake. It's a classic, it's a favorite.

DAY17 A song you'd sing a duet with someone on karaoke: Grenade - Bruno Mars. Funny story, i usually sang this song with my bro Kidil and for once, we ever sang till we screamed. Our other friends couldn't stand us and hurrying exit the room 😂.

DAY18 A song from the year you were born: Groove is in the Heart - Deee-Lite. Oh yeah this song is a hits, back in 1991 and i like this song because of this scene in How I Met Your Mother series.

DAY19 A song that makes you think about life: Counting Stars - OneRepublic. Yeah it's not always about the money, right?

DAY20 A song that has many meanings to you: Magic - Coldplay.

DAY21 A song you like with a person's name in the title: Bella's Lullaby - Carter Burwell.

DAY22 A song that moves you forward: "i'm not gonna write you a..." Love Song - Sara Bareilles.

DAY23 A song you think everybody should listen to: Take You Down - Rasmus Thude. Not that you have to listen to this cause it's really great. Oh no, it's just that i want to ask whether it's another Timberlake's song or not. It's not my fault that i couldn't differentiate it, cause their voices really sound alike!! Just hear it out, i bet you wouldn't believe that it's not JT.

DAY24 A song by a band you wish were still together: Too Close - Blue.

DAY25 A song you like by an artist no longer living: Numb - (Chester Bennington of) Linkin Park.

DAY26 A song that makes you want to fall in love: No Promises - Cheat Codes.

DAY27 A song that breaks your heart: Hero - Regina Spektor. Yeah right, another song inspired by another scene of a movie, (500) Days of Summer. So it's always breaks my heart to watch this scene, so deep and relate-able.

DAY28 A song by an artist whose voice you love: Superhuman - Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson.

DAY29 A song you remember from your childhood: Uptown Girl - Westlife. I really remember this since i was at the elementary school, and my uncle used to watch MTV at home and the video clip of this song being played for like- thousand times on tv!

DAY30 A song that reminds you of yourself: Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch.

Alright that's a wrap! Thanks to listen to all of those (i wonder if you can 😂). Sorry if the music is a lil' bit outdated cause i originally posted that on November (on my Twitter account). See you in my next post real soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Hai guys, sorry nih bahasa Indonesia lagi, habisnya biar mudah dipahami ya kaya pas posting film Interstellar. Karena gua butuh jawaban.

Dengan berbagai macam review yang ada yang rata² memuji Avengers Infinity War, gua rasanya jadi bingung, karena pendapat gua bersebrangan dengan itu.

Ya, mungkin gua beda sendiri, ya i know selera orang memang tidak bisa dipaksa. Basically biasa gua menilai film itu prioritasnya dari ini sih:

First, pastinya dari jalan cerita (utamanya plot holes, plot twist dan character consistency. Gua jelasin ya:

Plot holes itu menilai jalan cerita (apakah ada celah) dengan menggunakan logika film, bukannya logika kita lho. Kalau di logika kita kan ya yang namanya superhero from the very beginning emang udah ga ada dan ga masuk akal kan. Nah ini bukan pake logika yang beredar, tapi dengan logika jalan cerita nya (mungkin ambil sampling reference nya dari scene yang udah ada sebelumnya), misal nih, sampling scene sebelumnya Black Widow itu bisa ngehandle beberapa lawannya (yang juga superhero) sendirian dengan mudah, lalu tiba² ada scene selanjutnya 1 musuh dilawan sampai bertiga dengan superhero lainnya pun hampir kalah, itu plot holes. Karena dengan logic awal yang diterapkan di film itu terkesan inconsistent.

Plot Twist itu berkaitan dengan jalan cerita yang ga mudah tertebak jadinya bikin penasaran dan tentunya, penting banget buat film yang durasinya lama, supaya ga boring orang nontonnya. Plot Twist biasanya terkait sama cliffhanger (bagian ending film yang menggantung), nah yang jelas untuk sebuah sequel, pasti dong akhirannya penting ada cliffhanger yang bagus (yang niatnya bikin orang penasaran). Tapi pemilihan cliffhangernya itu harus tepat supaya tujuannya (bikin orang penasaran) jadi tercapai. Ya kalau bikin cliffhanger nya semua superhero pada jadi debu (dengan mudahnya dan massal) setelah ada yang namanya time stone (batu yang bisa muter waktu ke masa lalu lagi) sih ya bukan cliffhanger niat namanya. Menurut gua, contoh film yang plot twist nya keren itu kaya Now You See Me (original version nya ya, bukan sequel nya). Itu pas gua figure out twist nya (yang ternyata Mark Ruffalo), gua langsung yang literally kaget, karena jalan cerita begitu, ga masuk ke seluruh alternatif possibility yang udah gua buat sebelumnya di otak gua.

Character consistency itu konsistensi karakter dalam mengisi jalan cerita, dan ga ada hubungannya sama akting lho. Ini hubungan suatu karakter ke jalan ceritanya. Misalnya orang semacam Dr Strange yang sifatnya keras dan daridulu selalu memikirkan the greater good sampai mengorbankan guru nya sendiri yang dia sayangi, sih ya aneh juga kalau tiba² Iron Man (yang baru dikenal beberapa jam yang lalu) mau dibunuh, lalu dia kasih beneran time stone nya. At least, bikin penjelasan dulu lah (selain rasa kasian) yang bikin dia bisa kasih time stone dengan ancaman nyawa Stark doang, misal nih dibuatkan background story kalau Stark adalah tokoh kunci yang emang ga boleh mati atau apalah. Sehingga yang dilakuin Strange ga aneh, haha. Atau misalnya yang ngasih time stone itu Stark, dan yang diancam mau dibunuh itu Spidey, nah itu masih masuk cerita nya (ga jumping). Karena Stark vs Spidey kan emang udah punya background cerita yang udah dibangun lama dari sebelum²nya.

Second gua biasa menilai editing. Bukan teknisnya ya, kalau teknis mah gua ngedit video juga masih secuil² ga mampu lah. Editing disini lebih ke arah pengalokasian durasi scene yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan film tersebut (scene yang seharusnya dimasukinnya banyak, banyak. Scene kurang berguna yang harusnya jadi deleted scene ya dibuang) . Misal nih gampangnya, Twilight kan film romantic nan emotional (meskipun ada actionnya), ya kalau dikasih suatu durasi film, pengalokasian waktu terbesarnya ada di scene yang ngebangun romantis dan rasa cinta yang dalem. Karena semakin banyak pengalokasian durasi untuk suatu tujuan, maka semakin besar kemungkinan tujuan tersebut tercapai. Dibuat tiap scene demi scene nya, kejadian pengorbanan Pattinson dan Stewart, momen mereka saling nyatain, maka akan semakin kuat rasa cinta mereka berdua ditangkap penonton. Di Infinity War gua kurang bisa kasih contoh bad editing sih, karena ya gua ga bisa keluhin juga mengenai pengalokasian durasi. Itu tokohnya aja sebanyak itu, kaya kemarin juga udah gua hargai usahanya. Mungkin gua bisa kasih contoh film sejenis superhero juga yang punya bad editing itu Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice. Disitu gua belum nangkep emotionalnya, antara Amy Adams sama Cavill lalu emotional motivation nya Eisenberg sebagai enemy yang kayanya dendam banget diceritainnya. Eh malah pengalokasian durasinya dibanyakin buat hal² ga penting. Puncak nya: ada kali 15 detik lebih, dipake buat scene pasir beterbangan (unfaedah banget ga sih). Coba tuh 15 detik tambahan dipake buat memperdalam scene penting, pasti lebih relateable filmnya. Contoh great editing menurut gua itu Inception nya Nolan. Itu sih gila, transisi antara mimpi dan kenyataan bisa halus banget, lalu alokasi durasi nya pas, emotional Cotillard ke DiCaprio dapet bangeeeettt, emotional DiCaprio ke anak²nya dapet banget, seru action nya dapet, interaktif penonton buat mikir nganalisa dapet, plot twist nya kena. Udah lah ya itu film kandidat best editing banget!

Third itu akting pemeran nya. Ya ini mah ga perlu penjelasan lah ya, intinya kita harus percaya sama apa yang pemerannya coba tuangkan ke filmnya. Misalnya waktu Scarlett Witch cinta²an sama Vision, ya kita harus bisa berasa kalau mereka tuh beneran saling cinta, dari segi tatapan mata, gerakan fisik, gesture, cara mereka saling komunikasi, cara mereka saling bereaksi bersama, chemistry nya. Itu harus bikin kita merasa, memang bener ada perasaan cinta yang kuat diantara mereka berdua. Nah monggo dah dinilai sendiri dari 1 plotting karakter itu dulu aja deh. Bingung nilainya? Coba bandingin sama perasaan lu pas liat scene Stark diteleponin melulu sama Pepper Pots saat doi mau ngorbanin diri masuk ke lubang di langit di film Avengers 1. Kan mirip tuh scene nya tentang ada yang ngorbanin diri juga. Coba seberasa itukah, atau lebih ga deep?

Nah selain 3 poin di atas terserah lah ya kalau yang lain ada yang mau nilai Infinity War bagus itu, dari special effect, gerakan action nya seru atau even muka si Captain America yang bewokan, atau Thor yang habis cukur rambut sebelum Asgard punah. Ya gua sih ga boleh nge judge juga, hehe.. Kan back to selera beda², parameter penilaian beda² juga.

Ohya back to topic, yang mau gua komplain tentang Avengers Infinity War ada di bawah ini, tapi sifatnya ga permanen ya, bisa jadi nambah list nya kalau gua inget lainnya yang gua juga ga sreg, ataupun bisa jadi kurang kalau ada yang barangkali mau bantu dan punya penjelasan logisnya. Untuk yang udah ada jawabannya, yang di highlight kuning ya (thanks buat yang udah bantu jawab). Okay so here we go:
  1. Ini terasa seperti film Thanos daripada film Avengers (menurut gua sih ya, karena yang konsisten dilihatin terus perjalanan dari galaxy ke galaxy ya si Thanos nya). Makanya sering disebutnya Infinity Wars instead of Avengers 3
  2. Kenapa ya, namanya juga Avengers kan kerja tim ya alias teamwork, tapi kok teamwork nya ga ada (kalah dong sama anak SMA tawuran 😂). Ya simple kok team work itu, tinggal semua superhero yang ada disitu bikin pengumuman ngadain gathering dulu, briefing tim: si A serang matanya Thanos, si B dan C pegangin tangannya Thanos dst, jauh lebih mungkin bisa ngalahin. Dibanding berantemnya sendiri². Lalu udah ada emang scene nya yang tim pun, kalau akhirnya maju nya tetep aja satu² juga mah susah lah ya. Ceritanya lagi ada family disfunctional gitu, ga banyak superhero yang mau nurut² aja dikasih komando, kebanyakan dari mereka punya arahan sendiri di otak mereka dan maunya nge-lead. Dan lagi ada beberapa kubu yang musuhan contohnya Iron Man, Captain America dan Hulk.
  3. Anehnya Strange kasih time stone dengan ancaman Stark (penjelasan udah ada di poin atas: character consistency) Katanya sih Dr. Strange udah lihat masa depan dan Stark akan jadi point penting buat kalahin Thanos (ya percaya aja deh sama Strange)
  4. Anehnya warga Wakanda mau aja bikin perang massal demi Vision (emang Vision siapanya Black Panther, kenal aja baru). Lebih logis kalau Black Panther mutusin Vision cabut aja palanya 1 superhero doang kan, dibandingkan ngorbanin nyawa jutaan rakyatnya dan banyak superhero lainnya.
  5. Anehnya Black Panther kasih komando suruh lubangi pelindung nya. Ya bagaimanapun akan lebih ga terlindung kalau dibuka lah, kan pada lari masuk ke dalem ke tempat Vision
  6. Anehnya Vision yang udah dilindungi sebatalyon eh Scarlett Witch yang tadi mati²an mau lindungin Vision malah turun perang, ninggalin Vision tanpa ada satupun superhero yang coba dicariin dulu buat ngeback up selama doi pergi bantu². Ya kalau sampe segitunya (nyuruh Wakanda ngerahin pasukan) supaya Vision ga mati, kurang pinter banget ga sih kalau akhirnya Vision ditinggalkan tanpa penjagaan, apapun taruhannya ya. 
  7. Kebetulan pas Gamora dibutuhin buat soul stone, eh Gamora nya pas lagi ada. Ya mungkin Thanos ada kemampuan cenayang kali ya 😂 (udah pas lah ya koleksinya aja batu akik.)
  8. Semua superhero mendadak jadi lemah (tidak setara jika dibandingkan kekuatan mereka di film sebelumnya). Namanya juga manusia, mungkin udah lebih tua juga, mana cuaca lagi jelek dan kurang vitamin 😂 
  9. Yaudah sih kalau udah dapet time stone kan tinggal puter waktu pas ke 6 batunya baru selesai diciptain, lalu langsung bro rebut semuanya lah, rempong amat Thanos. Katanya sih ada ketentuan penggunaan time stone itu yang membuat itu tidak possible (tapi ga dijelasin sih ya di filmnya, jadi kan kita yang bukan fangirling mana tau)
  10. Kan Thanos juga udah punya reality stone mah, tinggal semua aja dibuat kepotong² kaya yang pas di Knowhere, kelar kan, ga usah lah pake gebuk²an tusuk²an. Emang doi ga cape apa habis keliling banyak galaxy. Istirahat dulu bang 😂 Udah tinggal duduk manis, control pakai cincin isi reality stone aja rempong. Thanos itu punya mental pekerja keras dan haus pengakuan, ga mau duduk santai semua kebentuk sendiri. Dia mau buktiin dengan tinju dan amarah dia sendiri pun, secara sportif dia bisa kalahkan semua superhero (ini sih temen gua keren juga yang bisa memahami kepribadian Thanos 😂).
Nah challenge nih buat fans nya Infinity War kalau ada yang bisa jelasin poin komplain gua (by film logic ya), gua akan berterima kasih banget broo~

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Look What You Could Make Them Do, Taylor [Repost]

The very title “Look What You Made Me Do” a new single from Taylor Swift, seems to imply that Swift was driven to hateful acts by malicious forces. That she is being bad because she is being forced to be bad, by the media or perhaps by whatever else is bothering her.

In advance, Swift’s audience is made up of a diverse group of people, but it still tends to be heavily composed of young women. According to Quantcast statistics from 2013, they’re likely to be college students 18 to 24 in age. That is a time when dating and mating and separating is as regular as getting a morning coffee. It is a turbulent, impressionable, painful period when facing conflict and knowing how to deal with it can cause great stress and confusion.

Swift has the potential to empower young women today. She proved as much in her recent trial with DJ David Mueller. During that trial — in which she contended that Mueller groped her while photographers snapped them together at a meet-and-greet event — she asked for $1 and said she went to court to “serve as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts,” according to legal documents. She won her case in a brave and dignified matter. The message that people should not grab you without your consent will resonate with thousands of young women.

It’s clear that Swift is a strong woman. And in 2017, a year when everyone seems to be openly yelling at everyone they dislike, it would be refreshing to see an influencer with a huge following (102 million on Instagram) not revel in spite. For someone with as many advantages and privileges as Swift, this is not a brave clap back to the haters. It seems like whining.

She has a very successful career. She is beloved by millions. No one can make her do anything. But if she allowed her music to have a social conscience and embrace forgiveness rather than fury, she could convince an entire generation of young women to take the moral high ground. Look what you could make them do, Taylor.

It would be nice to see Swift send out a healthier message to her fans. Instead, her new song endorses the idea that if you’re wronged, you should dwell on it for a very long time. You should come back far later — rising up from the dead if you have to!

Swift has an awful lot of fights with an awful lot of people (her all exes, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West). And in her song, she offers only one way to deal with a falling out: Smear the other person. Blame them for everything that went wrong. Burn a bridge. Torch the relationship. The only path is scorched earth.

But you really don’t have to. You can forgive people and move on. Being the bigger person and forgiving has its own satisfactory quality. It might be an interesting one to explore in a song.

Reposted and summarized from: Taylor Swift's new song sends a dangerous message to her fans

Monday, May 9, 2016


Yeay, branding, when it's all about products, i do it a lot at my work in Marketing Communication. But when it's all about ourselves with no limitation, then we should think again.

We have been taught to show the best of us to the public ever since we were still a little kid. When we are at school, we are introduced to scoring and ranking system. When we graduate, we have to get a job by making the best cv and be the best candidate at the interview. Well, that's completely normal.

But when we have to brand ourselves all the time, even down to every private moments, isn't it exhausting?

Sadly, we are too busy making grand display of ourselves in medias, we forget taking care of our real life, dealing with the things that matter.
We can have bigger chance to be stronger or more intelligent by studying, rather than by posting a quiz result about it.
Sometimes we are so busy taking pictures and posting and checking in, we forget to enjoy the view.

We are busy trying to control what other people see in us, we forget that however we want to control all perspectives of other people, we just can't.
Haters gonna hate anyway. You cannot just make everybody happy.

But if there is still some part of you who want to try, yes, there's something we can do.
An attempt to take control of what other people see in us, is simply by improving our real personality, not necessarily just by updating our profile page.

Don't take this the wrong way, you can still have fun and post all the happy pictures or statuses of yours. What i am trying to say here, that the posting and the updating and the everybody else seeing part, are great (for fun), but none of them are the most important part.

The most important part is how we can see and improve ourselves and enjoy our life to the fullest. Do real good things to people. Make real contribution to the world. Start deleting your bad habits, not just your bad photos.

In the end, once a person told me:
It's not how people judge us that should be important, it is how we want them to see us that important.

Yes, by all the real things we do for ourselves.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Wordplay - playstation - stationary
  • Tomorrow is mayday, no i mean Monday.
  • May the fourth be with you (on May 4th)
  • Desc(end)er December
  • Mery wishmas and happy Dew year!
  • Red Riding Reindeer
  • The wand that got away, in the spellementary school, witch marks the end of universe-ity.
  • A hint of ginger scent linger on that singer's finger.
  • The last lost list from that lone man lane was out of line.
  • Emotion commotion
  • You chicken out, i'll duck out.
  • They rally at the alley.
  • Fight or flight
  • One might be a knight who fights for one night.
  • One fine day to (be able to) find a day.
  • Never let your dream be dream.
  • Dream, drama, dilemma.
  • Forget that forsaken thought for a second.
  • Paralysis by over-analysis.
  • It takes a man to make amends.

Even if it's not an ideal idea,
Just keep update it to beat outdated!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

14 Votes For Four or More

Hey it's been a long time since i played any game here again. Turns out, now is a holiday, and it allows me to have a little spare time, and that's the reason i can be a lil' more productive again in this blog lately. Anyway, here is the thing, I am gonna mention the album with four or more great songs in it, off course according to my own version. Then I will make the rank of each songs within the album, one for my number one favorite song. The bigger the number, the less favorite the song is, but it's still the stand-out songs from the album as well. Maybe it can be your music inspiration to spend this holiday, who knows? So let me start with the album which has four stand-out songs first.

A Head Full of Dreams – Coldplay (2015)
Released on 4 December 2015, this album debuted atop the UK Albums Chart. It would have made Coldplay broke the record for becoming the second band in UK chart history (after Oasis) to do so with their first seven albums in a row.
  1. Bird
  2. Adventure of a Lifetime
  3. Up & Up
  4. X Marks the Spot

Black Holes and Revelations – Muse (2006)
The Starlight video features the band playing on an oil tanker ship at sea. Matt said in an interview back in 2006 that they were going to just shoot the video on blue screens in a studio, due to the fact that they couldn't get hold of a ship. However, a Japanese fan told Muse that they could borrow his dad's ship and hence the Starlight video was made.
  1. Map of the Problematique
  2. Starlight
  3. Exo Politics
  4. Supermassive Black Hole

Loose – Nelly Furtado (2006)
Even with the controversy over accusations of plagiarism on Timbaland's part in the song Do It, which contained the melody from Finnish musician Janne Suni's song Acidjazzed Evening, the album still managed to be the best-selling album of 2006–07, according to 2009 music update.
  1. Promiscuous
  2. Say It Right
  3. Maneater
  4. Do It


Motion – Calvin Harris (2014)
Despite not being released as a single, Faith reached number 31 on the US Hot Dance/Electronic Songs chart and number 33 on the UK Dance Singles Chart.
  1. Summer
  2. Outside
  3. Under Control
  4. Blame
  5. Faith

Clarity – Zedd (2012)
When Zedd listened to Foxes' song Youth, he skyped her and asked her to be the vocalist on Clarity. After Foxes did research on Wikipedia about Zedd, she accepted the offer. Clarity then won the Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording at the 56th Grammy Awards, becoming their first win.
  1. Clarity
  2. Spectrum
  3. Follow You Down
  4. Hourglass
  5. Stay the Night

In My Own Words – Ne Yo (2006)
Eventhough the album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 with 301,000 copies sold, the first single, Stay, was not as successful as its successors, being Ne Yo's only song so far to not chart on the Billboard Hot 100.
  1. Stay
  2. Sexy Love
  3. Let Go
  4. So Sick
  5. Time

Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! – Hellogoodbye (2006)
The album debuted at No. 13 on the US Billboard 200 albums chart and on No. 1 at the US Internet albums chart. This response surprised executives at their record company, reminded that Hellogoodbye was an unknown indie band on their first attempt to break international market.
  1. Here (In Your Arms)
  2. Oh, It Is Love
  3. Baby, It’s Fact
  4. All of Your Love
  5. Touchdown Turnaround (Don’t Give Up on Me)

Songs About Jane – Maroon 5 (2002)
The album was actually a sleeper hit at first, with help of five singles that attained chart success, including the Billboard hit Harder to Breathe and international hits This Love and She Will Be Loved. It was then re-released on October 14, 2003 and became a huge international success, topping the album charts in Australia, France, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland and the UK.
  1. Shiver
  2. This Love
  3. She Will Be Loved
  4. Sunday Morning
  5. Through With You


18 Months – Calvin Harris (2012)
The album includes the singles Bounce, Feel So Close, Let's Go, We'll Be Coming Back, Sweet Nothing, Drinking from the Bottle, I Need Your Love and Thinking About You. All eight of the aforementioned singles, along with We Found Love (featuring Rihanna), all reached the top 10 of the UK Singles Chart, making 18 Months to be the first album in history to spawn nine top-10 singles.
  1. Sweet Nothing
  2. Feel So Close
  3. We’ll Be Coming Back (Michael Woods Remix)
  4. Thinking About You
  5. Drinking From The Bottle
  6. Bounce

Red – Taylor Swift (2012)
The album debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart, giving Swift her third consecutive album chart topper in the US. Its first week sales of 1.21 million, was the third biggest debut in history for a female artist and became the fastest-selling album in over a decade.
  1. The Last Time
  2. Everything Has Changed
  3. 22
  4. I Knew You Were Trouble
  5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
  6. Red

Teenage Dream The Complete Confection - Katy Perry (2012)
After its singles California Gurls, Teenage Dream, Firework, E.T., and Last Friday Night (TGIF) each reached the top of the US Billboard Hot 100, the album became the second album in history to produce five number-one singles on the chart after Michael Jackson's Bad.
  1. Last Friday Night (TGIF)
  2. The One That Got Away
  3. Wide Awake
  4. E.T
  5. Part of Me
  6. Fireworks


A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out – Panic At The Disco (2006)
The group formed in 2004 and began posting demos online, which caught the attention of Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz. The album was recorded on a small budget but then it became a commercial success. Billboard, ten years after its release, deemed it "one of the most polarizing albums of our time."  In September 2011, I Write Sins Not Tragedies won MTV's Best Music Video for the 2000s as well as Best Music Video Of All Time based on online voting.
  1. Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snack
  2. Time To Dance
  3. I Write Sins Not Tragedy
  4. But It’s Better If You Do
  5. Camisado
  6. There’s a Good Reason, These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought of It Yet
  7. Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

Future Sex / Love Sound – Justin Timberlake (2006)
The album's first three international hits Sexy Back, My Love and What Goes Around Comes Around which all peaked at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100, giving Timberlake credit as the only artist to achieve such feat since Usher. Aside from earning critical acclaim, in 2007, Timberlake is ranked among Time magazine's 100 men and women "whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world."
  1. My Love
  2. Damn Girl
  3. Pose
  4. Sexy Back
  5. Love-stoned / I Think That She Knows
  6. Summer Love
  7. What Goes Around Comes Around


The 20/20 Experience: The Complete Experience – Justin Timberlake (2013)
The album debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 968,000 copies – the biggest sales week of the year, becoming Timberlake's best-selling debut week of his solo career. The 20/20 Experience became the best-selling album of 2013 in the US, additionally becoming the Billboard Year-End number-one album. The music video for Suit & Tie was directed by an Oscar nominee and Golden Globe winning director David Fincher.
  1. Tunnel Vision
  2. Strawberry Bubblegum
  3. Suit and Tie
  4. Electric Lady
  5. Gimme What I Don’t Know (I Want)
  6. Cabaret
  7. TKO
  8. Don’t Hold The Wall
  9. Take Back The Night
The winning album doesn't necessarily be the best album. It's just lucky enough to have the most amount of interesting song in it. And coincidentally, i am a fan of Justin Timberlake, so please just pardon me about the result. Anyway, it's almost christmas, surely you have known the most suitable gift for me, hmm maybe the latest album from this post, lol just kidding. So do you also have a preferred album which contains a lot of interesting songs according to your version?

Saturday, October 10, 2015


The sound of the fireworks in the sky is so loud, but it weirdly makes people happy. Meanwhile she is leaning on the wall of that balcony with mix up feeling. She closes her eyes. She used to wait for ten in her calendar to meet this guy. She cannot believe that it must be over now. Ten times, ten great memories. Is it really a perfection? She opens her eyes and stares at his eyes. Yes, perfection..

But like any other magical moment in this world, they both know that it should be over. It's ten already. It's over..


"Oh my God, i am so grateful that it's over!" She said it to him while they took a walk outside the theater.
"I know right! I have no idea how an action movie could be this bored, we should just leave a long time ago!" He added "i have stared you for much longer and never been bored, and i don't have to pay for that."


"I cannot believe it has to be over now. It was fun back there."
"I am sorry that your favorite band didn't show up." He glanced back at his watch.
"Your favorite band didn't show up too."
"Ya like Coldplay would play here." He laughed. "Wait up, it's 12 already!"

He put a CD, then Magic by Coldplay was played on the tape. This song is her favorite song from his favorite band. Way greater to replace the usual-cheesy-happy birthday song.

"Call it magic.. Call it true.. Call it magic, when i'm with you.."
Yes, it's magic but it wasn't real.

"Happy birthday to you, i know we only have two more tens, and just so you know, i never feel this way before, feeling this free before. I can be whoever i ever wanted to be. Thanks to you, thanks to this.." He smiled "perfection." He kissed her in the forehead and said goodbye.


"Okay, so you think you can beat me." He put on his helmet.
"Yeah, don't you think that i am a girl, so i'll be suck at sport" She teased him. He laughed and kept boasting around.

"Ready, set, GO!"

She rode her bicycle as fast as she could. He was left behind, made her laughed so badly.


"Gosh Chris you really know how to boost this mood up again."
"Eat this while you make up story which describe your unhappiness"
"None of this would be true, you know that, are you still okay with that?" She hesitantly asked.
"Ya whatever way to lighten your burden."


Her phone rang, it's Chris.
"Hey, i know you're still out of town, we can postpone this." She answered the phone.
"Hey Fries! Turn around now." He responded on the phone but she heard his voice even closer.

She couldn't believe of what she just saw, he was right behind her. Behind that glass door. She opened it, asked him to come in.

"Whoa Chris, you said you would be out of town today."
"Ya i do, but it's ten, so i take the fastest flight to come back here." He looked so tired. "And it's a real story this time"

"Well, thank you.."


"Can i have this dance?" He asked.
"Sure." She smiled and stepped up to the center of the party. It's been a long time since Prom.


"I grew up on a beach, i used to help my dad went sailing on the sea, went fishing all day, we used to come home and asked mom to cook the fish we got back there." He told it with a lot of enthusiasm in his face.
"Wow, nice story, but I grew up in a mountain, i used to play with wolf at midnight." She teased him, they laughed.

They knew none of that stories were real.


"Hey, it's awkward. I don't know anything about you, and you don't know anything about me. I could be a serial killer, you know." He teased her.
"Ya it's hard to believe then." She laughed at his big stomach. "You wanna know about me? Yeah i guess we should start to make up our own story. Use your imagination, be creative." She challenged him.
"Great idea!" He looked so spiritful. "Just so you know, i am not a serial killer. I am a front-runner of my band, Coldplay" he laughed. That old joke, she laughed so hard she was gonna fall off her chair.


"Hey, i couldn't help but see that it's your third french fries and you are sitting here by yourself. Do you wait for someone?"
"Hey i am so sorry i couldn't speak with a stranger right now. I am a silly girl who wait for her ex right at this very bar, still can be lied on the third times. Look, old story, he doesn't show up! Again! I am tired of this thing."
"Whoa slow down, calm yourself. I know it's too awkward to tell your whole life to a stranger, but believe me, i know what it feels like. I just got off a five years relationship." He replied.
"I am so sorry to hear that, it sucks right! Sometimes i just hate how he could change from a perfection to someone i barely know anymore."
"You know, i've been adored this girl for two years before i had the chance to be in a relationship with her. She was so perfect before. Then we had the relationship, started getting to know the real her. She is no longer a perfection. Then issues showed up everywhere, even the smallest one. Sometimes, i just wish that we didn't share anything, so she still could be.."
"A perfection.." She chimed.
"Exactly." He replied.

"Hey, how if we have fun a little bit, how if we try to have this perfection we were talking about?" She got an idea. "I don't know you, you don't know me. I see that we both attracted to each other. It's perfect!" She finished her line.
"How can we do that? If we date then the whole mess would be repeated itself. I would eventually know you at last, and so do you. We cannot just go on dates and know nothing, right?" He looked so attached to her idea yet confused at the same time.
"It's ten now, we would go on dates every tenth day of the month. By that following date, we should never told anything true about ourselves, we could be anything we wanted to be. We could make up any story we wanted to."
"Wow, great idea! I am so excited!" He added "but we couldn't keep tell lies about ourselves forever. There would be a time when the wall is gonna fall apart, someday. If you know what i mean."

"I guess we would do ten dates. By the tenth date, we would say goodbye and it's still a perfection.." She might sound true this time.

"Deal! I guess i would call you Fries!" He teased her.
"And what should i call you?" She asked back.
"You can call me Chris Martin." He shook her hand.
"Aha, i met a Coldplay fans. I really love Magic from their new album Ghost Stories."
"Yes, Magic is a great song, i have to admit. You have a good taste of music." He nodded. "It's nice to meet you Fries."
"Yes, it's my pleasure Chris, we"ll meet again next month on ten ya."

And that's how it began. As it goes, she profoundly realize, this thing between her and Chris would end eventually.

Yes ended, with perfection..