we started this, i really do hope that you guys can understand. It's
not that i cannot move on from these, but i don't know. Every time i
watched it, i really just kept watching it again and again and again.
And i don't know when i can stop liking this series. Yes, i talk about How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM), which by the way, has ended in more than a half year ago. For you, who are also a fans of this series, you can guess it from this post's title. For you who aren't, then you don't have to continue reading this post because it is useless.
Anyway, I don't know when i can let HIMYM go. I re-watch it all the time. I don't know, maybe it is because i cannot accept its ending. Well, yeah, i don't think the ending is really worked. To be honest, i don't think that Ted and Robin are even belong together at the very first place, let me tell you why.
Robin will still move places [thoughtcatalog]
Robin is Robin and Robin will always be Robin. The show have given us nine seasons to get a full grasp of Robin’s identity, a strong, scotch-drinking, hockey-loving, Canadian, independent woman who would give up anything, ANYTHING, for her work. We saw how it went down with Robin and Barney. How would it work with Ted? It would probably go down the same pipe as it did with Barney because Ted will not be able to handle Robin’s constant travels, popping here and there whenever her job pleases. Her job controls her. And as one blogger put it, “Robin was never The Mother that Ted needed and wanted in his life.”
S5E02: Double Date
This is the dialog between Ted and Jen in the closing scene of an episode.
Ted: I can't believe I'm gonna screw this up again, but umm.. I like finding typos in menus.
Jen: What?
Ted: And I know my shellfish pun is stupid. But the truth is, I'm not suddenly gonna stop making stupid jokes.
Jen: Now that you mention it.. I'm never gonna stop talking about my cats. They're funny and adorable.
Ted: Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks, but actually kind of likes them? Even if it means finding ourselves on another blind date with each other, seven years from now?
Jen: Oh, dear God, I hope that doesn't happen.
Ted: Well, good luck out there, Jen.
Jen: You too Ted. You'll find your shellfish lady.
And kids, when I told your mother that shellfish joke,
she did laugh.
Robin never had that big of a heart for Ted
We've seen Ted been through many other relationships, yet Robin was (mostly) cool about it. It's not like when Barney dated other girl. We saw Robin freaked out on Barney dating Nora in the beginning of seventh season. We saw Robin's uneasy closure when Barney announced his engagement with Quinn at final episode of seventh season. It's not like Robin didn't have that 'jealousy' moment with Ted's girlfriends, but it was just to a few girl and it's not that big deal. We could say that Ted and Barney supposed to be in a same place, because they both were best friend and ex-girlfriend to Robin. But it looked like Robin had a bigger heart for Barney rather than to Ted. And it only worked out 3-years-long with Barney. So where did that leave us?
Ted and Robin had way too many differences
The red roses, all gooey romantic 'i love you' word, poetic philosopher, child lover, gun hater Ted and smoking cigars, 'you're idiot' word, scotch drinker, child hater, gun lover Robin. I mean, yeah, the similarities in a relationship sometimes make you bored. But with too many differences, is also exhausting. It needs a lot of work, struggle and determination. You cannot be a person who is easy to give up.
Ted was easier to give up on Robin
Ted Mosby
I guess, i like it just like other people preference. The Mother wasn't die. But if it still had to happen, then it was nice if Ted could get back with Victoria.
They were a great couple, they never had real issue. And the drum-roll was amazing.
Robin Scherbatsky
I really do prefer Robin to be just by herself. She chose her career over anything, hence she should be given the opportunity to focus on that. But, if you think that i am too cruel. And that Robin was really really lonely, she should be with someone. I think Don was a really great man. They really had a thing right? Remember when Robin broke up with him? I think I have never seen Robin acted so devastated through a break-up before.
Plus, Don was also an anchor. Nothing's better to support Robin in her career as someone who also went through the exact same thing. And if they were a partner in news-reading, they would be able to travel around the world together, consider it as many honeymoons awaited. But instead of them paying the expenses, they were paid for that. High-five!
And it's going to be legend..
Yeah, to be honest, i love HIMYM because i love Barney. Everything about this guy was legendary, except.. wait-for-it.. the ending. I said i love Barney, i mean i love the old Barney. Barney before he became such a Ted-wannabe with girl. The Barney before Nora, Quinn and Robin ever happened. Oh geez, why killing such a wonderful character. Barney was a unique person with all his womanizing, catchphrases and adventures. Why they had to change him into a lame, ordinary person. We got Ted and Marshall for that! I should say, i had twice laugh to Barney at the early season, compared to the episodes in the late season.
I know about the thing, that you will grow old, you have to be mature and responsible. But most people did it! They meet their soul-mate, have child and everything. Why couldn't this only one over-the-top extraordinary Barney take a different path, a legendary path? You see, it is not like it's for a bad intention. The old-Barney always brought happiness to the gang. He always brought the gang together, either by his new rule, his mischievous plan, his playbook and his legendary "true" story. You see, a lot of activities which the gang did, had something to do with Barney. So why took away his light and brought the darkness to the gang?
If Nora-Quinn-Robin thing was never happened. If Barney still became a legendary Barney towards the ending, we might never even see the gang spent time in The Front Porch.
We would see the gang still be in the same booth at MacLaren's, laughed so hard watching a-60-years-old Barney teased around the bar to complete his "Challenge Accepted".
And that they always be there for the big (and small) moments.
Anyway, I don't know when i can let HIMYM go. I re-watch it all the time. I don't know, maybe it is because i cannot accept its ending. Well, yeah, i don't think the ending is really worked. To be honest, i don't think that Ted and Robin are even belong together at the very first place, let me tell you why.
Robin will still move places [thoughtcatalog]
Robin is Robin and Robin will always be Robin. The show have given us nine seasons to get a full grasp of Robin’s identity, a strong, scotch-drinking, hockey-loving, Canadian, independent woman who would give up anything, ANYTHING, for her work. We saw how it went down with Robin and Barney. How would it work with Ted? It would probably go down the same pipe as it did with Barney because Ted will not be able to handle Robin’s constant travels, popping here and there whenever her job pleases. Her job controls her. And as one blogger put it, “Robin was never The Mother that Ted needed and wanted in his life.”
S5E02: Double Date
This is the dialog between Ted and Jen in the closing scene of an episode.
Ted: I can't believe I'm gonna screw this up again, but umm.. I like finding typos in menus.
Jen: What?
Ted: And I know my shellfish pun is stupid. But the truth is, I'm not suddenly gonna stop making stupid jokes.
Jen: Now that you mention it.. I'm never gonna stop talking about my cats. They're funny and adorable.
Ted: Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks, but actually kind of likes them? Even if it means finding ourselves on another blind date with each other, seven years from now?
Jen: Oh, dear God, I hope that doesn't happen.
Ted: Well, good luck out there, Jen.
Jen: You too Ted. You'll find your shellfish lady.
And kids, when I told your mother that shellfish joke,
she did laugh.
Robin never had that big of a heart for Ted
We've seen Ted been through many other relationships, yet Robin was (mostly) cool about it. It's not like when Barney dated other girl. We saw Robin freaked out on Barney dating Nora in the beginning of seventh season. We saw Robin's uneasy closure when Barney announced his engagement with Quinn at final episode of seventh season. It's not like Robin didn't have that 'jealousy' moment with Ted's girlfriends, but it was just to a few girl and it's not that big deal. We could say that Ted and Barney supposed to be in a same place, because they both were best friend and ex-girlfriend to Robin. But it looked like Robin had a bigger heart for Barney rather than to Ted. And it only worked out 3-years-long with Barney. So where did that leave us?
Ted and Robin had way too many differences
The red roses, all gooey romantic 'i love you' word, poetic philosopher, child lover, gun hater Ted and smoking cigars, 'you're idiot' word, scotch drinker, child hater, gun lover Robin. I mean, yeah, the similarities in a relationship sometimes make you bored. But with too many differences, is also exhausting. It needs a lot of work, struggle and determination. You cannot be a person who is easy to give up.
Ted was easier to give up on Robin
We've seen Ted chased Robin in a lot episodes but, sorry to say, i think Ted was giving up so easily. Ted asked Robin whether she loved him, Robin rejected him and that's it. Ted then had a rebound with another girl and when it wasn't worked out, he got back to Robin. But, sorry to say Team Tedward, Ted was really weak of rejection. He took the rejection and gone. Unlike Barney, who took the rejection and turned it into a miraculous plan to change Robin's mind. You know, people like to say "if you love someone, set it free. if it's meant to be, he/she will be back." Sorry bro, but I don't think that way. I think, if you want something, you work on it, you earn it. Then you deserve it.
So you think that i am Team RoBarn, am i? Wait until this post ends before you decide. Don't worry, we are so close to the ending. My version of The Front Porch of everyone in the gang should be:
Marshall Eriksen and Lily Aldrin
Who am i kidding, they are perfect! Nothing is needed to be changed.
Ted Mosby
I guess, i like it just like other people preference. The Mother wasn't die. But if it still had to happen, then it was nice if Ted could get back with Victoria.
They were a great couple, they never had real issue. And the drum-roll was amazing.
Robin Scherbatsky
I really do prefer Robin to be just by herself. She chose her career over anything, hence she should be given the opportunity to focus on that. But, if you think that i am too cruel. And that Robin was really really lonely, she should be with someone. I think Don was a really great man. They really had a thing right? Remember when Robin broke up with him? I think I have never seen Robin acted so devastated through a break-up before.

Plus, Don was also an anchor. Nothing's better to support Robin in her career as someone who also went through the exact same thing. And if they were a partner in news-reading, they would be able to travel around the world together, consider it as many honeymoons awaited. But instead of them paying the expenses, they were paid for that. High-five!
And it's going to be legend..
Yeah, to be honest, i love HIMYM because i love Barney. Everything about this guy was legendary, except.. wait-for-it.. the ending. I said i love Barney, i mean i love the old Barney. Barney before he became such a Ted-wannabe with girl. The Barney before Nora, Quinn and Robin ever happened. Oh geez, why killing such a wonderful character. Barney was a unique person with all his womanizing, catchphrases and adventures. Why they had to change him into a lame, ordinary person. We got Ted and Marshall for that! I should say, i had twice laugh to Barney at the early season, compared to the episodes in the late season.
I know about the thing, that you will grow old, you have to be mature and responsible. But most people did it! They meet their soul-mate, have child and everything. Why couldn't this only one over-the-top extraordinary Barney take a different path, a legendary path? You see, it is not like it's for a bad intention. The old-Barney always brought happiness to the gang. He always brought the gang together, either by his new rule, his mischievous plan, his playbook and his legendary "true" story. You see, a lot of activities which the gang did, had something to do with Barney. So why took away his light and brought the darkness to the gang?
If Nora-Quinn-Robin thing was never happened. If Barney still became a legendary Barney towards the ending, we might never even see the gang spent time in The Front Porch.
We would see the gang still be in the same booth at MacLaren's, laughed so hard watching a-60-years-old Barney teased around the bar to complete his "Challenge Accepted".
And that they always be there for the big (and small) moments.